UK Innovation Sites:
Alpha Galileo (2000) - www.alphagalileo.org
Apax Partner - www.apax.co.uk
Arthur Andersen - www.arthurandersen.com
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Rsearch Council (BBSRC) - www.bbsrc.ac.uk
Biotechnology Exploitation Platform Challenge - www.dti.gov.uk/beps/
British Council - www.britishcouncil.org
British Technology Group (BTG) - www.btgplc.com
British Venture Capital Association - www.bvca.co.uk
Business Links - www.businessadviceonline.org./businesslink
Cambridge Consultants - www.camcon.com/timConsulting
Cambridge Research and Innovation (VC) - www.cril.co.uk
Cambridge Network - www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk
Cambridge Science Park - www.cambridge-science-park.com/companies
Chambers of Commerce, UK - www.britishchambers.org.uk
Chartered Institute of Marketing - www.cim.co.uk
Confederation of British Industry (CBI) - www.cbi.org.uk
Department for Education and Employment - www.dfee.gov.uk
Department of Trade and Industry - www.dti.gov.uk
Department of Industry Future and Innovation Unit - www.innovation.gov.uk
Design Council - www.designcoucil.org.uk
Design Policy and Skills Unit - www.dti.gov.uk/design/index.htm
DTI (2001) Opportunity for all in a world of change, White Paper on enterprise, skills and innovation - www.dti.gov.uk/opportunityforall
Dundee, City of Discovery - www.biodundee.co.uk/but2.htm
Employees Organisation - Confederation of British Industry - www.cbi.co.uk
Enterprise Scholarship Scheme - www.dti.gov.uk/opportunityforall/pages/chapter6.html
Enterprise Zone - www.enterprisezone.org.uk
Excellence and Opportunity: A Science and Innovation Policy for the 21st Century, Science and Innovation White Paper, Department of Trade and Industry - www.dti.gov.uk/ost/aboutost/dtiwhite/test/index.html
Federation of Small Businesses - www.fsb.org.uk
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - www.ihpra.org
Human Powered Vehicles - www.rethinkhousebuilding.org
UK Software Sector Network - www.sbn.org.uk
Ship Technology - www.ship-technology.com
Printing Technology - www.digitalcentury.com/encyclo/update/print
Innovation Relay Centres:
Eastern England - www.stjohns.co.uk
Midlands England - www.mids.demon.co.uk
South-west England - www.southwest-irc.org.uk
North of England - www.rtcnorth.co.uk
Northern Ireland - www.ledu-ni.gov.uk/irc
Scotland - www.cali.co.uk/irc
Wales - www.wda.co.uk/business/relay
Industrial Technology Securities (VC) - www.indtechsec.com
Invest UK - www.invest.uk.com
ISIS - www.isis.rl.ac.uk
IT Education Courses (BECTA) - www.becta.org.uk
Knowledge Transfer Unit - www.dti.gov.uk/mbp/access.access.html
LINK - www.dti.gov.uk/ostlink
List of UK Science Parks - www.cee-mail.com
London & South East Innovation Relay Centre - www.seirc.org.uk
Management Best Practice Unit at the Department of Trade and Industry - www.dti.gov.uk/mbp
MAPS - www.clrc.ac.uk/Activity/MAPS
National Extension College - www.nec.ac.uk
National Institute for Continuing Adult Education - www.niace.org.uk
National Skills Taskforce from the Secretary of State for Education and Employment - www.dfee.gov.uk/whitepaper/opportunity/finalstatement.pdf
Northern Ireland - www.ledu-ni.gov.uk/irc
Office of Science and Technology OST - ww.dti.gov.uk.ost
Pera - www.pera.co.uk
Policy Research for Science Engineering and Technology (PRESET) - www.les.man.ac.uk/PREST
Pond Venture Partners - www.pondventures.com
Prelude Trust (VC) - www.prelude-technology.co.uk
Proof of Concept Fund - www.scottishenterprise.com/proofofconceptfund/
Renewable Energy Portal - www.serve.com/commonpurpose/contacts
Rhodes Scholarships - www.rhodes.indiaserver.com
Robot Simulators - www.cswww.essex.ac.uk/research.tuuv/simulators
Royal Society - www.royalsoc.ac.uk
Royal Academy of Engineering - www.raeng.org.uk
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - www.rl.ac.uk
Science Enterprise Challenge, Science Enterprise Centres - www.lowpay.gov.uk/ost/ostbusiness.sec.htm
Scottish Equity Partners - www.sepl.co.uk
Scottish University network site - www.university-technology.com
Science Parks, UK Science Park Association - www.ukspa.org.uk
Scottish Enterprise - www.scotent.co.uk
Scottish Knowledge - www.scottish-knowledge.co.uk
Scottish Trade International (STI) - www.sti.org.uk
Software Business Network - www.sbn.org.uk
Startup Advice - www.businesslink.org
TCS Website - www.tcsonline.org.uk
Thames Valley Enterprise - www.tve.co.uk
The Technology Partnership, Cambridge - www.techprt.co.uk/ttp/
Oxford Technology (VC) - www.oxfordtechnology.com
The Oxford Trust (SME incubator) - www.oxtrust.org.uk
Times Higher Education Supplement - www.thes.co.uk
Trade Partners UK - www.tradepartners.gov.uk
UK Network of Euro Info Centres - www.euro-info.org.uk
UK Patent Office - www.patent.gov.uk
United Kingdom Business Incubation (UKBI) - www.ukbi.co.uk
United Kingdom Science Park Association (UKSPA) - www.ukspa.org.uk
Wellcome Trust - www.wellcome.ac.uk
Welsh Assembly Government - www.wda.co.uk
White Paper on Science and Innovation 2000 - www.dti.gov.uk/ost/aboutost/dtiwhite/test/index.html
Whtie Paper on Enterprise, Skills and Innovation 2001 - www.dti.gov.uk/opportunityforall/
Young Entrepreneur's Scheme (YES) - www.biotechnologyyes.co.uk